Come registrare un video
Scopri come registrare lo schermo del telefono, registrare programmi TV e film dalla TV, impostare l'uscita HDMI sulla TV e risolvere i problemi con l'ingresso HDMI
Does Windows 10 have a video capture software?
Does Windows 10 have a built-in video recorder? Yes, the built-in screen recording capability in Windows 10 and 11 allows you to capture video of your screen. Xbox Game Bar is the name of it.
What is the best free screen capture tool?
The 16 Best Screen Recorders for Windows PCs: Free & Paid
Is Bandicam really free?
Bandicam comes in the free and paid versions (there's a watermark on the video in the free version and you can only record 10-minute long videos).
How do I record video on Windows 10 for free?
Windows Game Bar