How do I burn RetroPie to SD card?

To burn RetroPie to an SD card, follow these steps: 1. Download the RetroPie image file from the official website. 2. Insert the SD card into your computer using an SD card reader. 3. Format the SD card using a tool like SD Card Formatter to ensure it is clean and ready for use. 4. Download and install a disk imaging tool like BalenaEtcher or Win32DiskImager. 5. Open the disk imaging tool and select the RetroPie image file. 6. Choose the correct SD card as the destination drive. 7. Click on the "Flash" or "Write" button to start the burning process. 8. Once completed, safely eject the SD card and insert it into your Raspberry Pi to use RetroPie.


  • First, insert the MicroSD card into into your computer.
  • Download the RetroPie .img.gz image from the official website for your Raspberry Pi model. ...
  • Download a program to write the RetroPie .img.gz image to your MicroSD card.