How do I enable USB ROM service in RetroPie?

To enable USB ROM service in RetroPie, follow these steps: 1. Connect a USB storage device with your ROMs to your RetroPie system. 2. Ensure that the USB device is formatted with a compatible file system (such as FAT32 or NTFS). 3. Restart your RetroPie system. 4. After the restart, navigate to the RetroPie main menu and select "RetroPie Setup." 5. In the setup menu, choose "Configuration / Tools." 6. Select "usbromservice" from the list of options and press Enter to install it. 7. Once the installation is complete, exit the setup menu and restart your RetroPie system. 8. The USB ROM service should now be enabled, and your ROMs from the USB device should be accessible in RetroPie.

RetroPie Run Roms / Games From Usb Stick Or Usb Hard Drive