Is SCART better than HDMI?

The comparison between SCART and HDMI depends on various factors. SCART (Syndicat des Constructeurs d'Appareils Radiorécepteurs et Téléviseurs) is an older analog connection used primarily in Europe, while HDMI (High-Definition Multimedia Interface) is a digital connection widely used worldwide. HDMI offers superior audio and video quality, supports higher resolutions, and allows for easier connectivity with modern devices. SCART, on the other hand, may still be relevant for older equipment or specific applications. Ultimately, the choice between SCART and HDMI depends on the specific requirements and compatibility of the devices being used.

HDMI can carry a lot more data and the modern versions support a resolution of 1080 + and various surround sound audio standards. SCART normally supports a resolution of 560 P and stereo/mono audio but you can get higher resolution support using upscaling supported technology.