Come scaricare e salvare i film di Netflix su PC
Scopri come spostare, salvare e trovare i film scaricati da Netflix su PC
Is there a limit on downloads on Netflix?
According to the Netflix Help Center, the limit is 100 active downloads per device on the maximum number of devices allowed on your Netflix plan. The number will depend on your device's memory capacity, with each download taking up space.
How do you bypass the download limit on Netflix?
In case you download one particular file more than a couple of times, Netflix will alert you that you've reached the yearly download limit for that particular title. There's no way to circumvent this download limit and you'll have to wait for the stipulated time period before you can download the title again.
Why does Netflix have a yearly download limit?
If users get the “You have reached the yearly download limit for this video” alert, it indicates that they have reached the utmost number of downloads for this particular movie or TV show. The number of downloads relies on the licensing deal Netflix has with the content creator.