Come registrare un video
Scopri come registrare lo schermo del telefono, registrare programmi TV e film dalla TV, impostare l'uscita HDMI sulla TV e risolvere i problemi con l'ingresso HDMI
How to install USB 2.0 driver in Windows 7?
Download Windows USB 2.0 Drivers Updates
How do I install USB 2.0 drivers on Windows 11?
FAQ's- About Latest USB Drivers
Where do I put Windows 10 drivers on USB?
Open Device Manager and locate the device. Select and hold (or right-click) the device and select Update driver software... from the context menu. In the wizard, select Browse my computer for driver software. Select Let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer.
How do I install a USB video capture card?
Connect the capture card to your computer with a USB cable, then turn the Switch on and open your OBS program. Click the '+' button in the 'Sources' box in OBS, then select 'Video Capture Device.
Can USB capture video?
If you want a better quality image when doing online meetings, or just need to transfer images and videos from one device to another, a USB video capture will get the job done. All you have to do is connect the USB to the divice you captured your images from and then connect it to your PC.