Does Google TV integrate with Netflix?

Yes, Google TV integrates with Netflix. Google TV is a smart TV platform developed by Google, and it allows users to access various streaming services, including Netflix. Users can easily download the Netflix app from the Google Play Store on their Google TV device and sign in with their Netflix account to stream their favorite shows and movies. Google TV also provides personalized recommendations and a unified search feature that includes content from Netflix, making it convenient for users to navigate and access their Netflix content.

If have a Netflix® account you can log in directly from your GoogleGoogleGoogle Search is a fully-automated search engine that uses software known as web crawlers that explore the web regularly to find pages to add to our index. › docs › how-search-worksIn-Depth Guide to How Google Search Works | Documentation TV. If you do not have a Netflix® account, you will need to create a new account to use this feature. For more information, visit